निबध्द / Nibaddha
Η σύνθεση που "δεσμεύεται" από [ή μπορεί κανείς να αναλύσει ή διακρίνει σε αυτήν] Mātrā (χτύπο), Tāla (μέτρο), Layā (τέμπο) και ρυθμό. Τα τραγούδια, όπως τα Tarānā, Dhrupada, Gat είναι Nibaddha. Nibaddha επίσης είναι το μετρημένο μέρος της εκτέλεσης ενός Rāga (το πρώτο είναι η ελεύθερου-ρυθμού εισαγωγή Ālāpa, που θεωρείται Anibaddha).
Relevant multimedia
| Anand Mishra playing morning Raga Gurjarī Tori |
Extract from sitariya Anand Mishra's performance of Rāga Gurjarī Toďī, at his graduation exams, Faculty of Performing Arts, BHU, 25/03/2009. This is the first section of the Ālāpa. |
| Anand Mishra playing morning Raga Gurjarī Tori |
Extract from sitariya Anand Mishra's performance of Rāga Gurjarī Toďī, at his graduation exams, Faculty of Performing Arts, BHU, 25/03/2009. This is the first part of the Nibaddha (rhythmic, accompanied by percussion) section. The composition starts on beat 12, and is characteristic of the Masīdkhanī style of compositions. |
| Anand Mishra playing morning Raga Gurjarī Tori |
Extract from sitariya Anand Mishra's performance of Rāga Gurjarī Toďī, at his graduation exams, Faculty of Performing Arts, BHU, 25/03/2009. This is the final part of the Nibaddha (rhythmic, accompanied by percussion) section, which ends with a Jhālā Tihāī. The composition (Gat) is characteristic of the Masīdkhanī style. |