| Decorated statue of Goddess Sarasvati, Goddess Sarasvatī, (Vīņā), Photo by Sakis Laios |
Decorated statue of Goddess Sarasvatī, during the days of the Sarasvati-pooja (tribute and offerings). Many groups of people construct and decorate statues of Goddess Sarasvati and exhibit them publicly. There is also a short of "contest" of which group will make the most beatiful one. When the Pooja-days end, groups of people carry these wonderfully-decorated statues the the river Ganga and sink them! |
| Decorated statue of Goddess Sarasvati, Goddess Sarasvatī, (Vīņā), Photo by Sakis Laios |
Decorated statue of Goddess Sarasvatī, during the days of the Sarasvati-pooja (tribute and offerings). Many groups of people construct and decorate statues of Goddess Sarasvatī and exhibit them publicly. There is also a short of "contest" of which group will make the most beatiful one. When the Pooja-days end, groups of people carry these wonderfully-decorated statues the the river Ganga and sink them! |